Common Adult ADHD symptoms and problems
Most people with Adult ADHD suffer issues such as difficulties getting organised, traffic and driving problems, relationship difficulties, extreme distractibility, and poor listening skills. There can also be issues related to restlessness, difficulties in relaxing, or starting a new task. Anger control and chronic lateness can result in problems with relationships and employment.
People with Adult ADHD may have lower self esteem than other adults. Some studies on adults with ADHD show that more than two-thirds may have another mental health condition, and over 50% have more than one such condition. The most common problems adults with ADHD suffer from include substance abuse and addiction, and mood, anxiety and personality disorders. In terms of personality disorders, adults with ADHD can be at risk for developing antisocial and borderline personality issues. More than one-third of adults with ADHD require adult mental health treatment.
Treatment of Adult ADHD:
Only a qualified health professional can make an accurate diagnosis of Adult ADHD, although there are some self screening tests which may help to decide whether you may have the symptoms, and may need to consult a medical professional.
Since many different conditions can also cause Adult ADHD-like symptoms, these tests alone can’t diagnose Adult ADHD.
If, after talking with a qualified health professional, you or your loved one is diagnosed with Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, you’ll need to work together with your Doctor to design the best Treatment Plan. Often, Adult ADHD is treated with a combination of ADHD specific medications and other medications to manage associated mental health conditions. Predominantly, we do use psychostimulants (Methylphenidate and Dexamphetamine), or Atomoxetine.
Learning about and understanding Adult ADHD symptoms and treatment is an important part of your therapy. It is advisable to learn strategies to help you manage your symptoms, along with biological assistance.
We also recommend ADHD coaching. Coaching assists clients with attention and other executive function issues, including ADHD, with the aim to help create consistency and reliability in your life.
This can include:
- Staying focused on your goals
- Facing obstacles
- Addressing core function related issues
Please refer to for more information.
At MARSAI Clinic:
Please first check if you have some of the symptoms as described above, then contact your GP if you feel you maybe suffering from this condition. If you both agree, please ask your GP to send a referral to our clinic (addressed to Dr Saibal Guha).
Once we receive your referral we will give you a call to arrange your initial consultation. Please keep in mind that due to heavy workload at present, this may take some time for us to contact you. However, if we have received your referral we will do our best to contact you as soon as possible.
We specialise in Adult ADHD, including assisting with treatment and also using a ‘coaching and mentoring’ model for assisting with symptom management. We use evidence based practices with regular scheduled follow ups. We usually attempt to follow up our patients for at least six months, or until they feel stable.
It may be beneficial to bring the following to your first appointment, or to send to us prior:
Any information about Childhood ADHD from Specialists or Psychologists (if you were treated as a child)
Close family member to assist in the process
School reports or other reports which may show issues with functioning
Any other reports which may assist your diagnosis
Related Links:
- Quick Checklist for Adult ADHD screening – ‘WHO ASRS Form’
- (support network)